Welcome to the personal website of Pedro Morillo Tena

Articles in International Journals (JCR-Indexed)

  • P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña and M. Fernández, "A Comparison Study of Evolutive Algorithms for Solving the Partitioning Problem in Distributed Virtual Environment Systems", in Parallel Computing, Special Issue of Parallel and Nature-inspired Computational Paradigms and Applications, volume 30, issue 5-6, pp. 585-610, May 2004. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2004.[download_paper.pdf]

  • M. Pérez, M. Fernández, P. Morillo and I. Coma, "Locally Constrained Synthetic LoDs Generation for Natural Terrain Meshes", in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), volume 20, issue 8, pp. 1375-1387, November 2004. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2004. [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña, M. Fernández and J. Duato, "Improving the performance of Distributed Virtual Environment Systems", in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), volume 16, number 7, pp. 637-649, July 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.  [download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Rueda, P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña and J.Duato, "A Genetic Approach for Adding QoS to Distributed Virtual Environments", Computer Communications, volume 30, issue 4, pp. 731-739, February 2007. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2007. [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, S. Rueda,  J.M. Orduña and J.Duato, "A Latency-Aware Partitioning Method for Distributed Virtual Environment Systems", in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), volume 18, number 9, pp. 1215-1226, September 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007.  [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, A. Bierbaum, P. Hartling, M. Fernández and C. Cruz-Neira, "Analyzing the Performance of a Cluster-Based Architecture for Immersive Visualization Systems", in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), volume 68, issue 2, pp. 221-234, February 2008. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2008. [download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Rueda, P. Morillo and J.M. Orduña, "A Comparative Study of Awareness Methods for Peer-To-Peer Distributed Virtual Environments", in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW),volume 19, issue 5, pp. 537-552, December 2008. Published by John Wiley & Sons Limited, 2008.[download_paper.pdf]

  • M. Lozano, P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña, V. Cavero and G. Vigueras, "A New System Architecture for Crowd Simulation", in Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), volume 32, issue 2, pp. 474-482, March 2009. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2009. [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña and J.Duato, "M-GRASP: A GRASP with Memory for Latency-Aware Partitioning Methods in DVE Systems", in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans (SMC-A),  volume 36, issue 6, pp. 1214-1223, November 2009. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009.   [download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Rueda, P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña and J.Duato,  "Ensuring the Performance and Scalability of Peer-To-Peer Distributed Virtual Environments", in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), volume 26, issue 7, pp. 905-915, July 2010. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2010.[download_paper.pdf]

  • V. Fernández, J.M. Orduña and P. Morillo, "How mobile phones perform in collaborative augmented reality (CAR) applications", in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 65, issue 3, pp. 1179-1191, September 2013. Springer US, 2013.[download_paper.pdf]

  • J. Gimeno, P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña and M. Fernández, "A new AR authoring tool using depth maps for industrial procedures", in Computers in Industry, volume 64, issue 9, pp. 1263-1271, December 2013. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2013.[download_paper.pdf]

  • V. Fernández, J.M. Orduña and P. Morillo, "Comparative performance evaluation of CAR systems based on mobile phones and feature tracking", in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 70, issue 2, pp. 552-563, November 2014. Springer US, 2014.[download_paper.pdf]

  • V. Fernández, J.M. Orduña and P. Morillo, "Server implementations for improving the performance of CAR systems based on mobile phones", in Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), volume 44, pp. 72-82, September 2014. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2014.[download_paper.pdf]

  • C. Portalés, J.M. Orduña and P. Morillo, "Parallelization of a method for dense 3D object reconstruction in structured light scanning", in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 71, issue 5, pp. 1857-1868, May 2015. Springer US, 2015.[download_paper.pdf]

  • J.J. Navarro-Pérez, P. Morillo, A. Oliver and A. Carbonell, "Trabajo Social e interdisciplinariedad en el diseño de App interactiva para la detección de actitudes sexistas, mitos del amor romántico y prevención de violencias en relaciones sentimentales de adolescentes", in Revista de Servicios Sociales y Política Social, number 116, pp. 37-53, Consejo General de Colegio Oficial de Diplomados en Trabajo Social, 2018.[download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Casas, C. Portalés, P. Morillo and M. Fernández, "A particle swarm approach for tuning washout algorithms in vehicle simulators", in Applied Soft Computing, volume 68, pp. 125-135, July 2018. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2018.[download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña, M. Fernández and I. García-Pereira, "Comparison of WSN and IoT approaches for a real-time monitoring system of meal distribution trolleys: A case study", in Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 87, pp. 242-250, October 2018. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2018.[download_paper.pdf]

  • C. Portalés, J.M. Orduña, P. Morillo and J. Gimeno, "An efficient projector calibration method for projecting virtual reality on cylindrical surfaces", in Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), volume 78, issue 2, pp. 1457-1571, January 2019. Springer US, 2019. [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, J.M. Orduña, S. Casas, and M. Fernández, "A comparison study of AR applications versus pseudo-holographic systems as virtual exhibitors for luxury watch retail stores", in Multimedia Systems, volume 25, issue 4, pp. 307-321, August 2019. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2019.[download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Casas, C. Portalés, P. Morillo and M. Fernández, "To Move or Not to Move? Analyzing Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulators by Means of Massive Simulations", in Virtual Reality, volume 24, pp. 93-108, Springer US, 2020.[download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, I. García-García, J.M. Orduña, M. Fernández, and M.C. Juan, “Comparative Study of AR Versus Video Tutorials for Minor Maintenance Operations", in Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), volume 79, pp. 7073-7100, Springer US, 2020.[download_paper.pdf]

  • K. Hook, W. Ferguson, P. Morillo and C. Cruz-Neira, "Evaluating the user experience of omnidirectional VR walking simulators", in Entertainment Computing, volume 34, Elsevier Science Publishers, May, 2020.[download_paper.pdf]

  • R. Serrano, P. Morillo, S. Casas and C. Cruz-Neira, "A comparative Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Table and a HoloLens-based Augmented Reality System for Anatomy Training", in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS), volume 50, issue 4, pp. 337-348, IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2020.[download_paper.pdf]

  • S. Casas, C. Portalés, P. Morillo and C. Cruz-Neira, "On the Objective Evaluation of Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulations", in IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions (T-ITS), volume 22, Issue 5 (May 2021), pp. 3001-3012. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2021.[download_paper.pdf]

  • I. García-Pereira, P. Casanova-Salas, J. Gimeno. P. Morillo and D. Reiners, "Cross-Device Augmented Reality Annotations Method for Asynchronous Collaboration in Uncontrolled Environments", in Information, Special Issue "Augmented Reality Technologies, Systems and Applications", volume 12, number 12, pp. 519. MDPI Press, December 2021. [download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Morillo, J.J. Navarro-Pérez, J. M. Orduña and M. Fernández, "Evaluation of an Intervention Program Based on Mobile Apps to Learn Sexism Prevention in Teenagers", in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), volume 18, issue 2 (May 2022), article 45, pp. 1-20, ACM Press, 2022. [download_paper.pdf]

  • R. Serrano, P. Morillo, S. Casas and C. Cruz-Neira, "An Empirical Evaluation of Two Natural Hand Interaction Systems in Augmented Reality", in Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), volume 81, pp. 31657-31683. Springer US, 2022.[download_paper.pdf]

  • R. Serrano, P. Morillo, S. Casas and C. Cruz-Neira, "Exploring the Suitability of Using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Anatomy Training", in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS), volume 53, issue 2, pp. 378-389. IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2023.[download_paper.pdf]

  • P. Casanova, J. Sevilla, I. Coma, P. Morillo, M. Gaitán and C. Portalés, "Enhancing Accessibility and Navigation of Heritage Collections Through Interactive Spatiotemporal Maps", in ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Volume 17, Issue 3, Article number 39, pp. 1-21. ACM Press, May 2024.[download_paper.pdf]

  • C. Reaño, J.V. Riera, V. Romero, P. Morillo and S. Casas-Yrurzum, "A Cloud-Edge Computing Architecture for Monitoring Protective Equipment", in Journal of Cloud Computing, Volume 13, Article number 82, Springer US, 2024.[download_paper.pdf]